March 2017

In creating a bird design, I read all I can find about the subject before touching pencil to paper. I would like to observe it in real life, but this is unfortunately often impossible. Besides, I am not a qualified field naturalist in the sense that most wildlife artists are, having arrived at my interest in nature illustration by a more roundabout

The London-born artist manages to visualise tough subjects with softness and understanding, translating brutal honesty through an affectionate lens. Her minimalist illustrations and pale palette create worlds that are intimate yet full of space, allowing the viewer to get lost in her creations.

Design in film, for me, is everything from how the characters look, to the environments they’re in, to the way a drop of water splashes, to the shot choices, compositions and even the editing choices like match cuts and rhythm – so design is tied at a basic level to the storytelling. It gives an added layer of information to the audience

The folklore of our native plants has many different facets too. It varies from countless folk cures and remedies to the rich variety of local plant names, lucky plants like four-leaved shamrock and fern seeds, to love charms, and even childrens games. The pages that follow should leave no doubt that until modern times, peoples lives were influenced and dependent on the

In concise terms, critical thinking is an attitude towards visual communication that is grounded in theory and its relationship to making. It is more than a philosophical position: informed or engaged practice is less about the ways in which theory can inform practice – it is graphic design engaged in the theory of practice, or praxis.