Dorothy Hartley Quote
In this quote from Mid-Century scholar-illustrator Dorothy Hartley, she proposes that Celtic the knotwork patterns that prevail in Irish Folk Art originated as depictions of woven artifacts. I had never previously considered that these graphic patterns were based on handmade textiles. I’m now eager to explore the visual link between these patterns and the reeds and hay which were used to create them. Reeds feature in the working narrative of my animation
Reeds feature in the working narrative of my animation as a device to see fairies with.
If the fairy wind passed by, it was said that you should throw a green rush after it and say ‘God speed you’ to avert harm. It is also believed that a person could see fairies by twisting a green rush into a loop and looking through it. There was a high price for gaining this power however, as it meant that you would never be able to look through that eye again!’ (MacCoitir, 2015)
When I read this idea I was reminded of my visit to the Museum of Country Life and the woven straw ornaments I studied while I was there. It could be interesting to try and create my own set of knotwork patterns drawing from my reference pictures.

Reference list:
HARTLEY, D. (1939) Made in England. London: EyreMethuen.
MAC COITIR, N. (2015) Irish Wild Plants: Myths, Legends and Folklore. Cork: The Collins Press.