The Library Project – Varoom

Varoom is a quarterly publication produced by the Association of Illustrators which discusses issues revolving around the contemporary illustration discipline. I have been aware of this journal for some time and have read it referenced in several different articles but always hesitated to buy it as its a UK based publication and it was expensive to have posted to Ireland.
With this in mind, I was delighted to see on Twitter last week that The Library Project in Dublin had started to stock it and made a point to drop in and pick up a copy. I was impressed with the quality of the journal. I find that many other visual communication publications are often overwhelmed with advertising and little original content. In contrast, Varoom is filled with interviews, case studies and industry focused articles and the advertising that they do include is relevant. I was particularly happy to learn about
I was particularly happy to learn about ‘The Prize for Illustration 2017’ exhibition which is currently on show at The London Transport Museum as I’m taking a trip to London next weekend and will definitely be including it in my itinerary. The exhibition is the outcome of an open brief set by the museum and the AOI every year. It is open to illustrators and illustration students from around the world and this years theme was ‘Sounds of the City’. The exhibition runs throughout the Summer so is an incredible opportunity for increased exposure in the UK market. I plan on entering this years brief so this will hopefully be a beneficial reconnaissance trip.
As a result of this positive first experience with Varoom I am now considering becoming a member of the AOI, which includes a subscription to the journal. It also provides an extensive support service for emerging illustrators, facilitating portfolio reviews and advising on pricing and ethical issues which I think could be a great asset to have as I build towards a commercial illustration practice.
Reference list:
THE AOI (n.d.) The Prize for Illustration 2017 – Sounds of the City [Online] Available from – http://www.theaoi.com/events/prize-for-illustration-info.php [Accessed on: May 12th 2017]
London Transport Museum (n.d.) Sounds of the City [Online] Available from – https://www.ltmuseum.co.uk/whats-on/exhibitions#prizeforillustration [Accessed on: May 12th 2017]
Image References:
Hughes, L. 2017. Varoom Magazine. [photographs].