T. 085 746 8987
E. hello@lydiahughes.ie

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<h6>Dublin 6, <br/> Ireland</h6>

By the time I eventually finished my animation I was at a point so close to the summative assessment deadline that there was simply no chance that I would have enough time to risoprint my Pilea zine as I initially intended. This was disappointing and for a while I felt very down about this reality. I considered leaving the zine element all

By the time I eventually finished my animation I was at a point so close to the summative assessment deadline that there was simply no chance that I would have enough time to risoprint my Pilea zine as I initially intended. This was disappointing and for a while I felt very down about this reality. I considered leaving the zine element all

Having spent a period of time visually exploring the form of the narrative’s hero character, the Pilea plant, I started to narrow down the visual qualities that I thought were working well. In order to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout the motion piece I decided to set meyself some visual paramenters to work within. In line with my mid-century illustration