T. 085 746 8987
E. hello@lydiahughes.ie

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<h6>Dublin 6, <br/> Ireland</h6>

Author: LydiaHughes

By the time I eventually finished my animation I was at a point so close to the summative assessment deadline that there was simply no chance that I would have enough time to risoprint my Pilea zine as I initially intended. This was disappointing and for a while I felt very down about this reality. I considered leaving the zine element all

By the time I eventually finished my animation I was at a point so close to the summative assessment deadline that there was simply no chance that I would have enough time to risoprint my Pilea zine as I initially intended. This was disappointing and for a while I felt very down about this reality. I considered leaving the zine element all

Having spent a period of time visually exploring the form of the narrative’s hero character, the Pilea plant, I started to narrow down the visual qualities that I thought were working well. In order to ensure a consistent look and feel throughout the motion piece I decided to set meyself some visual paramenters to work within. In line with my mid-century illustration

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Based on examples I had found online of the best ways to prepare for creating an animation I knew that I would need to translate my script into a rough storyboard to help get a clearer sense of the story of the video, the movements I would be using and the overall visual representations of the script. I went through and highlighted

The annual London Illustration Fair was held in Bargehouse of The OXO Tower Wharf in Southbank along the River Themes in central London on the first weekend of December. I had missed last years event and decided to book this year’s trip early to avoid the same disappointment. As London is such an illustration hub I knew the standard would be high

Having had such a positive experience participating in the Halftone Print Fair exhibition I was enthused to discover another exhibition open call soon afterwards. This time the brief was set by ‘Damn Fine Print’, a prominent screen printing studio here in Dublin. I was even more pleased to discover that the whole exhibition would be comprised of risograph prints under the theme

The launch event for the Halftone exhibition on the 2nd of November was an exciting and surprisingly valuable experience. I had known that the prominent location and great variety of exhibitors would result in a very busy night but I hadn’t anticipated quite the turn out that arrived. The room was packed was people with hardly enough room to turn around, even

Although my final illustration was prepared as a layered Photoshop document that would print perfectly well digitally, I quickly learned that it could not be used as it was for risograph printing. Much like when preparing an image to be screen printed, files need to be recreated as individual greyscale layers for each colour. The colour’s image is then transferred onto a

My Riso sample pack from Risotto Press arrived today. Colours! The pack includes a reference chart for layering swatches which should prove useful when it comes to narrowing down my designs to a two colour palette.